Controlled Kina Removal

December, 2022 by Nicole – Marine restoration, Marine Citizen Science, Kina, Sea urchin, Seaweed, Wellington Underwater Club

Finally we managed to get the next phase of the controlled kina removal project underway. December was a big month for the iwi-led seaweed restoration project with four removal events and just under 8,000 kina or just under 1 ton(!) of kina removed from the project area! 86 volunteers on shore, freedivers, kayakers and scuba divers removed kina from Kau Point where the kina had formed a ‘grazing front’ and were rapidly overgrazing on the local kelp forest. In high numbers and in absence of their predators kina can turn a thriving and highly productive ecosystem into an area of barren rock within months. To find out more about the project and how to get involved check out the project website or get in touch!